The Hanalei Bay Secret

As featured @ View Kauai

The magnetism of Hanalei Bay is an undeniable force. Its beauty draws people in from all over the world and strikes locals on the daily. My toes have touched its sandy shores thousands of times— and I still feel endeared every time a wave laps up my leg.

The crescent bay yields to a white sand shoreline, offering a gentle transition to emerald green cliffs that majestically crown the sea. Waterfalls pour from secret crevices thousands of feet above sea level. And it is all too common to witness a rainbow bridging the panoramic spectrum. 

As one of the most iconic beaches on Kauai, Hanalei Bay touches the hearts of people every single day. And once that vision is burned into your being with the seal of an elated emotion, it becomes a part of you forever, a free and weightless souvenir of Hawaii

There is a secret to Hanalei Bay, however. This secret amplifies the experience exponentially. 

Here it is. Hanalei Bay is best experienced in the bay. Not on the sand. Not in the town. Not even upon the historical Hanalei Pier. Yes, all these aforementioned locations have their advantages, their photo-worthy vistas. But it is in the heart of Hanalei Bay where the apex of its magnetism exists. And it is within the raw embrace of its silky waters that true magic happens. 

Something shifts when you view Hanalei Bay from within the bay, even if it’s a mere ten feet from shore. Your nervous system calms, your cellular structure aligns and your soul seamlessly becomes one with the sea. The soft texture of the white sand holds you in a halo, while the towering mountains become an inconceivable extension of yourself. It’s almost all too much to take in. So you absorb it, breath by breath. 

There is also a caveat to this secret. The ocean is real and raw and powerful. Summertime swells accommodate a serene swim more often than the heavy wintertime surf. So, please exercise awareness and caution when soaking up the Hanalei Bay bliss. When in doubt, don’t go out. 

It will be clear. You’ll get the hit. Intuition and instinct are amplified here. And there are always lifeguards, signs and locals to indicate conditions. We truly just want you to be safe and have the best experience possible, whether that’s from sea or the safety of shore. 

If and when conditions do allow for an ocean heart-to-heart, your options are bountiful. There’s always the sovereign swim or float; a freedom felt by taking just a few strokes away from shore. Then there’s the adventurous edge lended by paddle boards, surfboards or even boogie boards. 

Regardless of your approach, the effect of just being in the bay for even one moment in time, for one breath of your existence, is an experience that will be forever accessible in your cellular memory. So, soak up Hanalei Bay, and take aloha with you wherever life leads. 


Spread Your Wings and Swim


Why Turmeric? (Curcuma longa)