Into The Sunset


From the most remote island archipelago on the planet, we set sail for a distant isolated region south of the equator. Now, seven days into our voyage, the density of land has almost completely dissolved; begone the woes, the worries, the should-haves and could-haves. For, amidst the refreshing purity of unadulterated elemental existence, the only density desired is that of true nourishment.   

Within a mere seven days, the pacific blanket of blue has laid the constructs of time to rest. It could be hours or eons since we departed the docks of Lahaina Harbor. Markers of time are now indicated by shifts in the wind, shadows cast by the sails, and constellation positions in the night watched sky. 

Guiding us south is a call to discover the allure of the unknown. Collectively, we calibrate our journey based on what nourishes us: good food, authentic connection, and a reverence for our natural playground.

What does this look like, exactly? Well, for us this translates to family meals of fresh-caught fish and local produce; ALL the sailing, surfing, spearfishing, free diving, and ocean-oriented play possible; and tag-team tackling the laundry-list of boat projects in between.

The romance is an easy picture to paint. And, honestly, the reality isn’t too far off. We are a cohesive group of six human beings bopping around the vast expanses of the Pacific Ocean on a 47’ catamaran. The passage from Hawaii to the South Pacific is a free-flow experiment of co-creation with our sails set full and our horizons wide open.  

Sure, there’s been (and will be) challenges along the way. We had to leave behind the comforts of home and the conveniences of society. We have to adapt to extreme dietary adjustments, circadian interruptions, and the reality of your entire domain getting bashed by overhead swells. But challenge is where courage is born. And adversity is where we get activated— it’s where those deeply rooted, ancient parts of ourselves are invited to awaken, coaxed into being by a clear connection to nature. 

This is where true nourishment is found. This is where we experience fulfillment: outside the confines of comfort, away from the energy-draining distractions, immersed in the big blue abyss of the unknown.  

Ironically, I’ve never felt more comfortable in my life. Because that’s what happens when you cast off and trust. You begin to embody your full potential. And you’re always guided to exactly where you’re supposed to be with exactly everything you need to survive and thrive. 


More Water Than Land


Spread Your Wings and Swim