i am me.

I am a wildflower. I survive just fine on my own, out in the wild. By design, I’m fully capable of getting everything I need from a natural environment. I can harvest mana from the sun and the sea and the stars, and necessary nutrients from the earth. But I’m also adaptable. I flourish in the intimate container of a relationship. With sound structural integrity, I blossom into an entirely different expression of beauty. As needed, amendments may be made to maintain homeostasis, depending on the conditions of the container. As I amend, I adapt. I learn new lays of the land, new languages of love, new ways of life. Alas, there’s a few vital elements that are essential to my existence. If I can’t source those essentials from my external environment and my internal reservoirs run dry, I’ll start to wilt. I’d rather be windswept than wilt. So, pulled by prosperity, perhaps I uproot. As indicated by design, I tilt my attention towards the sun, I let the wind rustle my senses, and I tap into the wellspring of eternal truths within. The more I surrender to my true nature, the more I remember— serenity is the smile of satisfaction within our cells as we’re replenished by the wild.

I am a pearl. I am made of minerals, but made manifest by the sea. Secretly, in the unassuming sanctuary of an oyster, I keep record of natural patterns and trends and cycles. Each current and tide and swell delivers data, information, a message that’s transcribed onto the sacred scrolls of my soul then spun into the story of my life. Because life is whorled, not linear, you can’t just read the storyline. You have to read-between-the-rings and allow the revelations to surface as you’re ready to receive them. Just like you can’t judge a book by it’s cover, you can’t place value on a pearl by its luster alone. Its contents are concentrated codes coiled by earth’s rotational lure. Each revolution adds a layer. In stride, each magnetic moon phase imbues more mystery, dimension, and depth. And so, if and when desired, the wisdoms within may be unfurled by wonder.

I am me. I am my father’s daughter. I am my mother’s daughter. I am an elemental being made of the same organic compounds that comprise this planet. I am eternally curious and crave the satisfaction that comes with connecting-the-dots. I calibrate to the compass of my heart and, from there, set intentions that guide a course of direction. By following the forthright signs and synchronicities and clues, my path of life becomes a treasure hunt. I cherish the gems I find along the way. Though, in respect to the reason of resonance and flow, I share the bounty to keep it light. This way, I’m swiftly drawn to discoveries beyond my wildest wildflower dreams. It’s an electric existence. I never know when inspiration is going to strike. So, in the static spaces in-between, I breathe. Unless I’m underwater. Then I hold that breath like it’s my last so I can dive to deeper depths yet. As above, so below. I observe. And as life reveals itself to me under the premise of beauty beheld, I fall more wildly in love with the wonder of this life. For, whatever I am, I’m alive with it.


Out There


Rose Passage