Cacao (Theobroma cacao)

An ode to JanMarie Jouflas

my greek goddess soul sister

who bears bars of cacao from the breadth of her outstretched wings

thank you for reminding me to celebrate life—

even when those winds of change are howling through our hair

A Reminder

Cacao is a tropical tree that bears pods which encapsulate beans (seeds) that are then processed into what we know as chocolate. The process from cacao to chocolate is as complex as the plant itself. There are traditional techniques that maintain the medicinal integrity of the plant and there are conventional methods that sacrifice quality for quantity— and every approach in between. In the process, however, sometimes things get lost in translation…

Long before the term “superfood” was coined, Cacao was revered as a superpower-imposing plant. By the time it was classified in Latin binomial nomenclature, it was awarded the name Theobroma cacao, which translates to “food of the gods”. This namesake arose from ancestral recognition of its ability to open the heart, induce bliss and enhance connection to higher states of being. 

Indigenous cultures spanning the tropical belt integrated Cacao into both daily diet and sacred ceremony. When consumed, it fills the micro and macro nutrient niches that are essential for optimal survival. Containing a calibrated balance of protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, Cacao has played a pivotal role in our biological botanical co-evolution on planet earth.

Ceremonially, Cacao bridges the gap between heart, mind and spirit. Honored within the ancient Aztec and Mayan medicinal lineages, Cacao was a pillar in rituals, traditions and celebrations. Warriors were given Cacao upon their return from battle to replenish depletion and nurture their weathered hearts. Romantic unions were consecrated with Cacao to sanctify divine connection. And Cacao was exchanged between tribes to engender compassion and coherent communication. 

In alignment with ancient wisdom, modern science has unearthed unique constituents within Cacao that confirm:

  • Cacao not only activates the heart energetically, but is a formidable cardiotonic and cardioprotective, meaning it helps regulate the heart and protect it from degeneration.

  • Cacao contains anandamide, a rare chemical that binds to cell receptors in our brain and triggers the release of endorphins, inducing a sense of euphoria. The root word of anandamide is ananda, a Sanskrit term that translates to “bliss” or “joy”.

  • Raw Cacao is brimming with antioxidants, which promote detoxification, regeneration, and energy efficiency.

Partaking in quality Cacao is an invitation to live life like a ceremony. Cacao creates a celebration within our hearts— a buzzing, vibrating, tingling sensation, as if a smile were spreading in the space between our unseen wings. A superfood, a medicine, a wild jungle tree— if nothing else, Cacao is here to coax our hearts into a smile every once in a while :)

A Reality

The Cacao Tree is a giving tree. During the summer, it sends out thousands of teeny, tiny, tender buds. These buds blossom into the cutest darn little flowers you’ve ever seen. Then, as autumn approaches, the flowers begin to transform into pods. Adorned with clusters of potential, the branches of the Cacao Tree evoke a giddiness for what lies ahead. 

This giving tree is a wise tree. It has survived centuries on this planet, through weather systems and cycles we cannot even fathom. Hence, it has developed an evolutionary method for survival: create as many offspring as possible to guarantee prosperity, because you never know what the season’s ahead may bring. 

There is a caveat to this approach. The Cacao Tree may seem sturdy and robust, but its dainty buds and flowers are as delicate as silk. One strong windstorm or hapless move of a sunhat can dismantle hundreds of fruit instantly.

In this gracious act of production, the Cacao Tree teaches us an immeasurable lesson about love and compassion: give your all in the moment, because you never know what the future holds. It is not really a matter of future or fear, but more so of presence and peace. To give fully is to embrace vulnerability— the ultimate test of a fearlessly pure heart. 


But one tiny fruit of JanMarie’s labors of love…


On Knowing


On Color